Apparently, I'm supposed to write about the world at 24 years old. Other than that, I'm not sure what this blog is supposed to be about. Which is a bit awkward since I'm the one that that's writing it.
If anyone ends up reading this, hopefully they could give me some good pointers. I mean what do twenty-somethings usually blog about: nails, hair, make-up, naked boys and naked girls, clothes, not so significant others...etc. I'm looking for something a little different.
It could really be anything. I could write about living at home while working and trying out college again. I could write my serious lack of love life. Or the angst of being naturally socially awkward when I want to spend the rest of my life working with people. Or all of the above.
Opinions appreciated.
But for my first post, I found an online comedy-drama about other awkward twenty-somethings. It is hilarious. The British comedians put a great spin on some otherwise just awkward moments. It's called Please Like Me and the first episode aired this week. I hope you enjoy.
Follow this link:
Please Like Me