Friday, April 25, 2014

Signs That You Are Struggling Twenty Something

My friends, the struggle is real. In fact, I have a monthly pass on the struggle bus that I ride every day.  The driver knows my name and wishes me happy birthday. But what makes this fact a little more bearable is that I am definitely not the only one on the bus. The economy has definitely screwed over many of my fellow twentysomethings. Sadly we are not collecting the traditional trappings of adulthood such as home ownership and marriage but I say that we are at least having a good time doing it. Regardless, it did take me a while to figure out that I was not living the high life even though I make more than I did in college. Here were some of things that let me know that, indeed, the struggle existed for me.

You Gotta Save Up to Buy the “Good Cheese”

Now that meals plans and parents no longer provide it for me, I look at food in an entirely different way. It’s become more of an obligation but I still love it. Though I have learned to cope and budget better in this regard, it still shocks me how expensive cheese can be. Cheese is life and to make it so expensive seems immoral. The first time I had to forego my premium aged cheddar *GASP* to be able to get some veggies, I almost fainted. Oh the oppression!

A Misstep of Bill Payments Could Ruin You

This one is bit more serious, but I have learned that timing bill payments can be like a delicate dance over a pit of lava if you are not a high paid, young executive. Though I am fortunate enough to have a savings and a decently paying job, sometimes not paying attention to silly things like eye shadow purchases around a major bill paying week can leave my checking looking sad.

Getting a Taxi is Luxury for The “Second Paycheck”

Y’all know what I’m talking about. There are two checks each month that evoke very different emotions. There is the rent check, where you suddenly see your paycheck disappear right before your very eyes. This is a sad, dark day. But then there’s the awesome second check.  Sure, you have to pay car notes and utilities but you also get to upgrade for a couple weeks on fun stuff. No more shitty PBR, my friend! You may even be able to be like all those rich kids who get to take a taxi instead of struggling on public transit after a night out. Luxury!

You Agree to Go to After Work Meetings for the Food

I am very guilty of this one. I admit, you can schedule a meeting until 8PM if you feed me enough. I especially love when you know in advance. At least once a month I have a week where I only have to pay for enough food for two dinners. That extra money can go towards dresses and booze necessities or your savings. Plus, all that networking and actual working you do can help you move towards not being so broke in the future.

When did realize that #thestruggleisreal?

XOXO Lady Justice 

1 comment:

  1. Loool I can totes relate. When I first left home and had to start buying my own food, I began to see food in a whole new light.
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